
Audio players on websites are commonly used for playing music, podcasts, or other types of audio content.

This module offers an accessible audio player with full support for screen readers (using Plyr). It also includes an area for a text transcript which outputs below the audio player for visitors who have hearing disabilities.

Audio Settings

General Tab

In the General tab of the module, there is an MP3 field and a Text Transcript field.

Upload your MP3 file to the MP3 field.

You can use the Text Transcript field to enter a text version of your audio file. You may also provide a page link to a text transcript here.

Please note you will need to provide your own text transcript.

Please note you will need to provide your own text transcript. There are many places that provide transcription services. Some options include Rev, and Sonix

Style Tab

There are no style options for this module currently.

Advanced Tab

In the Advanced tab of the module, there are all the usual settings for margins, visibility, and advanced HTML settings.

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