
A blockquote pattern is a design technique used on websites to visually distinguish a quoted section of text from the surrounding content. A blockquote pattern is commonly used to display a quote or excerpt from a longer piece of text, such as an article or blog post.

Blockquote Settings

General Tab

In the General tab of the module, there is a Blockquote field and a Cite field.

The Blockquote field is used to enter in the quotation. You can include quotation mark characters here if you wish to.

The Cite field is used to specify the source of the quotation. It may be the name of a person or a link to a reference URL for the source. It’s a good practice to include the source, if applicable.

Style Tab

In the Style tab of the module, there are limited options for "styling" the module.

  • Accent Color: This optional setting is used for styling the horizontal accent on the blockquote. Omitting this field will allow the accent to inherit the text color.
  • Align: Standard align controls (left, center, right) offered by Beaver Builder.

Advanced Tab

In the Advanced tab of the module, there are all the usual settings for margins, visibility, and advanced HTML settings.

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