Jump Link

A jump link pattern is a design technique used on websites to create links that take the user directly to a specific section or content on the same page, rather than to a different page or website. Jump links are also called anchor links or internal links.

(screenshot of example)

The jump link pattern typically consists of a link that is positioned within the text or content on the page, and when the user clicks on the link, they are taken directly to the specific section or content on the same page. Jump links are often used to help users navigate long pages or articles that contain multiple sections or topics.

General Tab

In the General tab of the module, there is a CTA Text field and a CTA Link field.

The CTA Text is the text that will display within the link. To ensure this jump link is accessible, no not use text like “read more.” Instead, use descriptive text to make it clear what happens when someone clicks the link. Example: “jump to related content”.

The CTA Link should reference the ID of an element you wish to jump to. Example: "#my-element". Be sure to add this ID in the Advanced tab of the target element. 

Style Tab

There are no style options for this module currently.

Advanced Tab

In the Advanced tab of the module, there are all the usual settings for margins, visibility, and advanced HTML settings.

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